Words! Beautiful words!! The words featured up there in mycomic are just a few of my favorite words. I have supplied the definitionsbellow. Check these rare words out!
Basorexia-Overwhelming urge/hungerto kiss.
Chimerical-existing only as theproduct of unchecked imagination : fantastically visionary or improbable
Mulligrubs-ill temper; colic;grumpiness.
Mimp-to speak through pursed lips.
Apodyopis-the act of mentallyundressing someone
Lanule-the moon shaped marking on thebase of the fingernail.
Vulpine-crafty; cunning; fox like.
Paralian-someone who lives by thesea.
Druxy-something that looks good onthe outside, but is rotten within.
Qualtagh-the first individual aperson meets after exiting his or her house.
Tittle-the dot over an i.
Petrichor-the smell of the earthafter it has rained.
Agelast-a person who never laughs.
Gauster-to waste time conspicuouslyesp. by talking and gossiping
I liketo think that I have a faily large vocabulary, but finding new words like thesereally humble me. There are so many words out there that I had no idea about! (My personal favorite is qualtagh, who wouldhave thought that there was a specific word for the first person you encounterafter leaving your house?!) Although some of these words are silly, andprobably wouldn’t be used in normal conversation, (Girl-“Hey! Were you apodyopingme?” Dude-“Uh, what? No?”) they should still inspire us to expand ourvocabulary to include more interesting words! Let’s all try to liven up our language with afew of these rare words. Instead of saying, “Man, I’ve just been grumpy today”,try saying, “I have a bad case of the mulligrubs this Monday.” Sure, people will probably think you made thatword up, but at least it can be a conversation starter!
Do anyof you have any favorite “rarely used” words? I’d love to learn them! Let’sexpand each other’s vocabs. J
Love this! I'm also a bit of a wordsmith so I really enjoyed these new vocabulary additions! I think my favorites are tittle and mulligrubs! I also feel like "Mulligrubs" was used in Harry Potter. Kind of sounds like something Professor Sprout would say! Haha
ReplyDeleteI've a fan of your posts! As an English major, I can relate to most of these! Great job!
This is so awesome! I think chimerical is my favorite, because I love things that are the product of unchecked imagination, fantastically visionary, or improbable. I like the word "hegemony", which is "leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group." I learned that one in Dr. Vrooman's media and pop culture class. And of course, there's "aglet", which is the little plastic tip at the end of a shoelace. Learned that one from Phineas and Ferb. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a funny way to get people like me to expand my vocabulary. Although those words were awesome, I was particularly depressed to not see "aloof" or "typify" not on the list. It broke my heart. I think for another post you should do words that make you cringe like "ointment," "wart," or moist. That would be funny! I think these cartoons are so adorable.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful post! I think you displayed your passion for words and for writing in such a wonderful way. Really great post!